Location:   Southfield Parks & Rec

Make an Appointment Here

Step 1 - Select appointment type
One tax return per appointment.   Separate appointment(s) needed for dependants that must file.
Which tax years:    2024    2023    2022    2021
(Multiple years will automatically generate multiple adjacent appointments.)

Step 2 - Select a date and time - Please have all your tax forms by the date selected.
Select One =>    - Random Dates and Times

Step 3 - Enter appointment information
Capitalization is optional and telephone format is flexible.
First Name
Last Name
Telephone Please include 'best time to call' and alternate numbers. (250 char. max)
Email is required to receive confirmation and documents we are required to send you.
(An email confirmation should arrive in a few minutes or occasionally within a few hour; if not received,
please check your spam folder. If still not found, please call 248.796.4650 to update your email record.)

Any comments
or questions?

Step 4 - Make your appointment(s)
Because of the very high demand for this free service, there is a strict cancellation policy for appointments. If you miss or cancel your appointment, you will not be able to re-schedule and will need to find an alternate tax preparer to get your tax return(s) completed. Please make certain you have selected a time when you will have all the required forms needed to complete your return. Thank you.
Make your appointment ==>
Please call Southfield Parks & Rec at 248.796.4650 if you:
  • need to cancel - please be courteous and call to free up the appointment time for others in the community (otherwise, we may need to turn others away).
  • provided an email address but did not get an email appointment confirmation.

Step 5 - For your appointment . . .
Resources (click each below to view)

The links below have information to get ready for your visit(s):
  • Information you need to gather and bring (link),
  • Forms to obtain, fill out, and bring when you come (link), and
  • Step-by-step details on the entire tax preparation process (link).
  • A week before your appointment, you may pick up a packet of information and forms to fill out before you come.  The details are:
    • When:  Monday - Thursday between 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
    • Drive up
      • Where:  Short term parking in front of the main entrance to Southfield Parks and Recreation
      • How:  Call the office at 248.796.4650
    • Walk-up - Go inside the Pavillion as shown on the map below.
Location Information
Southfield Civic Center, 26000 Evergreen Rd,
Marcotte Room (Downstairs in City Hall)

You are invited and encouraged to park underground to shorten your walking distance and to avoid using stairs or elevator.  If you arrive by vehicle too tall for the parking deck you can use the ramp at the Parks and Recreation Office and someone will escort you to the Marcotte Room.

Southfield P&R

  (And not save this appointment)